Limber Lotus Stretch Therapy


Let us help you improve your flexibilty, mobility, and range of motion!

Benefits of Assisted Stretching

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Increase Flexibilty and Mobility

Enlongates muscle fibers and connective tissues, allowing for greater range of motion in joints

Manage chronic conditions and reduce risk of injury

Stretching can manage symptoms of arthritis, sciatica, and fibromyalgia, while allowing muscles and joints to withstand stress and strain

Prevent muscular imbalances and improve posture

Assisted Stretching can help correct imbalances in muscle strength and flexibilty, leading to better posture

Relaxation and stress reduction

Stretching can promote relaxation and reduce stress by releasing tension in muscles and improving circulation

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About Us

Limber Lotus Stretch Therapy is dedicated to empowering clients to enhance their physical and mental well-being through personalized, effective, and safe stretch therapy sessions, fostering a holistic approach to health and flexibility.

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